Thursday, September 23, 2010

New Sandwich Pin!

Ello penguins, today Club Penguin community released a new pin! This is how to get it:

1. Login Club Penguin
2. Go to the cave in the mine
3. Waddle to the rocks

You now have the sandwich pin!

New Snow and Sport Catalog

Hey penguins, today finally the Club Penguin community released a new sports catalog, and it's called the Snow and Sport Catalog! Also speaking of this we will also create a new page of catalog cheats, so don't forget to check it out!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Club Penguin Game Day

As you know, Club Penguin released the new club penguin wii game in Australia, Europe, AND USA. The new game is called Game Day. The game is very fun and you should buy it for a lot of reasons, it's fun, it's the first ever Club Penguin game made on Wii, and last, you can even transfer coins and items to your Club Penguin account!

Follow these steps to transfer items:

1. Get onto your wii and open the Game Day game
2. Click options on the main menu
3. Click Nintendo Wi-fi
4. Click your penguin and say yes
5. Click upload coins
6. Choose the number of coins you want to transfer
7. Click Ok

That's it. I hope you have the game! If you do be sure to tell me about it :D

Monday, September 20, 2010

Field Op 15

A new Field Op was released today, and here's how to do it.

1. Login Club Penguin
2. Click on your EPF Spy Phone
3. Teleport to the EPF Room
4. Accept the Field Op
5. Go to the Beach
6. Walk to the edge of the green item with the 6 on it

After playing the game you have successfully done the mission and earned a medal

Sunday, September 19, 2010

New CP news

Hello penguins, sorry that I haven't been posting a long time. There has been lots of events happening:

New club penguin featured igloo
Ice cream clone colouring page
Club Penguin game day (I live in Australia so I already got the game.)
New Club Penguin backpack and lunch box
New Club Penguin trolley
September 24th Yellow Team coming

Lots of events huh? Check on other blogs to see them

Friday, September 17, 2010

New postcards September 2010

Hi penguins, Club Penguin updated some more postcards on Club Penguin, check it out!

The new postcards that were released were:

Party in my igloo
Fairy Fables

What do you think? I sorta think that Club Penguin copied the 'Party in my igloo' idea from Pandanda.


Field Op 14 guide

Hey penguins, Club Penguin released the new Field Op 14. Here's the guide on how to do it and earn the medal.

1. Sign in to Club Penguin
2. Click on your EPF Phone
3. Click the target icon and click go there

4. Go to the yellow screen
5. Accept the Field Op
6. Go to the top of the Iceberg

I hope this helped
